AutoMagic Enzyme Pre-Spot 1Gal
Enzyme Pre-Spot 1Gal
32:1 dilutions
Enzyme Pre-Spot attaches to protein-based stains and devours them in minutes. Consumes the toughest food, grass, soil, blood, and pet stains. Enzyme Pre-Spot can be used safely on carpet, fabric and upholstery. Also effective for eliminating odor causing bacteria. Concentrated formula. Dilute 32 to 1
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Enzyme Pre-Spot is a professional carpet, fabric and upholstery spot cleaner that attaches to protein-based stains and devours them in minutes. Consumes the toughest, food, grass, soil, blood and pet stains. Super concentrated formula. Dilute 32 times with water! Fabric and carpet remains soft and natural after use. Enzyme Pre-Spot also makes an effective odor eliminator, as it kills the bacteria that causes the odors. 1 year shelf life. VOC compliant and body shop safe.
DILUTION RATIO: Pre-Spot dilute 1:32 with water
DIRECTIONS: Shake well. Dry brush and vacuum the fabric and stain prior to application. Spray the area with Enzyme Pre-Spot and allow to set for 3-5 minutes. Use a carpet brush wrapped in a clean towel and scrub the stain. Reapply if necessary. Dry-vac or hot water extract with little to no chemical in the water. Do not breath vapors.
SURFACE APPLICATIONS: For use on all types of carpets, fabric, and upholstery; both stain-resistant and non-stain resistant
ADDITIONAL USES: For cleaning hard-to-remove, animal and protein-based soils in homes, dining rooms, cafeterias, restaurants, etc.
HELPFUL TIPS: Product must be diluted properly. More is not necessarily better. Be sure to allow at least 3 to 5 minutes for enzymes to break-up the stains. Do not use if product is over 1 year old.
SAFETY & HANDLING: Safety Data Sheets can found online at