AutoMagic Fabric And Carpet Cleaner 5 Gal
Fabric And Carpet Cleaner 5Gal
Fabric and Carpet Cleaner is a low foaming, heavy duty interior cleaner for use in hot or cold water extraction machines.Rinses without leaving a soapy residue. Can also be used a a pre-spot.
Up to 60:1
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Fabric and Carpet Cleaner is a low foaming, heavy duty interior cleaner for use in hot or cold water extraction machines. Rinses clean without leaving a soapy residue. Can also be used as a pre-spot. VOC compliant.
DILUTION RATIO: Pre-Spot dilute 1:20 with water Manual Fabric and Carpet Cleaning: dilute 1:10 with water Extractors: dilute 1:30 with water
DIRECTIONS: Pre-Spot- Vacuum thoroughly, mist on stains and spots, allow product to dwell 45 seconds to 1 minute, and then brush prior to overall cleaning. Manual Fabric and Carpet Cleaning- Vacuum thoroughly. Mist on entire surface to be cleaned. Allow product to dwell 45 seconds to 1 minute and then brush entire surface. Towel dry as needed. Extractors- Vacuum thoroughly, mist on entire surface to be cleaned. Brush entire surface. Vacuum all areas with extractor and remove all moisture as well as possible. Towel dry any areas where the extractor will not fit.
SURFACE APPLICATIONS: Engines, wheels, tires, wheel wells carpet, fabric and vinyl.
ADDITIONAL USES: Boats, RV’s, Motorcycles, Commercial Vehicles, and household applications
HELPFUL TIPS: After applying #21 Fabric & Carpet Cleaner allow adequate time to “dwell” before brushing or extracting.
SAFETY & HANDLING: Safety Data Sheets can found online at automagic.com